How Did I Know That He Is The One? | Our Love Story

How Did I Know That He Is The One? | Our Love Story

How did I know that he is the one? Actually, I don't believe the concept of 'the one' refers to the idea that there is a perfect, destined soulmate or partner for each individual. For me, the one or the right one is more of a choice or decision we both make to be with...

The Best Valentine’s Day Ideas For Couples

The Best Valentine’s Day Ideas For Couples

Do you want to use this Valentine's day moment to spark your relationship? If yes, the good news is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money if you use your creativity to have a special romantic moment yet still affordable. Here are some Valentine's Day Ideas you...

100 Reasons Why I Love You

100 Reasons Why I Love You

Should There be a Reason To Love Anyone? I love the way you : say good morning every day say “I love you” ten thousand times every day call me “sayang”. That’s really sweet. smile to me listen to me when I share my feeling or just talk many things ask about my day,...
