How did I know that he is the one? Actually, I don't believe the concept of 'the one' refers to the idea that there is a perfect, destined soulmate or partner for each individual. For me, the one or the right one is more of a choice or decision we both make to be with...
We can decide our response | Learn From King Jehoshaphat
This morning we had our devotion at the office and the leader shared the story of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20: 2-30. I felt blessed by the reading and what he shared. One thing that amazed me was the way King Jehoshaphat responded to the situation. Some men...
Konseling ke Psikolog / Psikiater Gratis? Bisa Pakai BPJS. Begini Caranya!
Ingin konseling ke psikolog atau ke psikiater tapi bingung dengan biaya? Jangan kawatir, ikuti cara berikut untuk bisa konseling ke psikolog atau psikiater Gratis menggunakan BPJS Kesehatan.